Semi Truck Accident Lawyers in Baltimore MD

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Semi Truck Accident Lawyers in Baltimore, MD

truck accidents in Maryland
Serious and fatal trucking accidents are all too common. Every day nearly there are, on average, eleven semi truck accidents killing nearly 4,000 people each best attorney,, year, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Additionally more than 100,000 people are injured every year in truck crashes. Semi-truck accidents happen quite frequently in Maryland. Truck drivers are often required to deliver their cargo on a very strict schedule which can result in long hours on the road with little or no sleep.

Lawsuits, Settlements & Verdicts for Semi-Truck Accident Victims
Our Law Group has of experience representing injured victims of semi truck accidents in Maryland. In fact, our firm has represented the victims of Maryland's most famous trucking accident in which a semi-truck crash caused the collapse of the Skagit River Bridge.

Exhausted or distracted truck drivers often cause major accidents that leave victims with life-threatening and permanent injuries. Poorly maintained trucks and those with unsecured loads are also causes of trucking accidents. Semi trucks can weigh anywhere from 10,000 to 80,000 pounds, which puts regular commuters at a serious disadvantage when it comes to their overall safety.

Click here to view a brief list of the Semi Truck Accident Cases handled us.

Tanker Truck Accidents Spills: Danger On The Highway
When a tanker truck hauling toxic and or flammable chemicals is involved in an accident which is so severe that it causestanker truck spill accidents the truck to overturn and its cargo to spill out onto the highway and surrounding landscape, the risk of injury to the community at large increases dramatically.

Toxic Chemicals on Maryland Roadways & Highways
Gases (flammable, nonflammable, inhalation hazard/poison, or oxygen)
Liquids that burn (flammable and combustible liquids, based on their flashpoint)
Flammable Solids, Spontaneously Combustible, or Dangerous when wet materials
Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides
Poison/Toxic Solids and Liquids, Infectious Materials
Radioactive Chemicals
Corrosives (acids and bases)
Over Height Semi Truck WrecksDangers of Chemical Truck Accidents
Explosions caused by ignighted flammable liquids.
Toxic chemical exposure to humans and animals causing burns, injuries to eyes and lungs, and neurological damage.
Contamination of local ground water.
These types of accidents are far more common than is generally known.

Collisions Caused by Over-Height Vehicles & Low Clearance
There are a often number of different terms used to describe an event in which an over-height commercial landlords how to get your rent paid in commercial bankruptcy trucking vehicle strikes low-clearance bridge, tunnel or overpass. Very often states, such as Maryland, lump these kinds of collisions into a category called �fixed-object crashes� or stationary roadside object crashes� which also include items such as utility poles and guardrails.

It is therefore difficult to get an accurate measure of the size of the problem. These types of accidents present a danger to other drivers on the road that may get hit by falling objects; may rear-end the truck when it comes to a sudden stop after striking an overpass; or when the roadway becomes littered with debris.

Over-height Vehicle Accident
Inadequate Vertical Clearance AccidentsSemi truck Over height accident
Low Clearance Accidents
Bridge Impacts
Bridge Strikes
Collision With Overhead Structure
Stationary Object Strikes
Stationary Object Hits

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