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An entire Set of Dofollow Bookmarking sites

To start with, since I always like paying special focus on beginners, I want to explain just what dofollow social bookmarking sites are. Social bookmarking sites, to avoid spammy submissions, usually add nofollows, which can be basically an instruction the Google bot gets telling it not to pay attention to the link on the site towards yours. Therefore, the link does not increase your site's PageRank, which is probably the most, or even the most crucial step to get top spots on the search engines. - Continue Reading

Are these links useless then? The answer then is no. They are still useful if you would like traffic, publicity to your site and reader interest, amongst other things. However, you can find dofollow social bookmarking sites out there. At this time, we're referring to smaller websites, not the favourite, but submission is advantageous. It's not going to replace an excellent SEO and social media marketing strategy, but it is an interesting portion of it.

Listed here is a very complete list of some dofollow bookmarking sites which has been put together. You might find more spam than normal here, and remember these sites tend to appear and vanish fast - you may have to really go through the list and re-check it every now and then - but they're still a sound option:

BackFlip Blinklist Blogoria Chain-Marking Chipmark Connotea Current Diigo Dizzed Ebaum's world FeedMarker Folkd Gozoof Jim's Free Links Jumbomark Kingtop Kwoff MyLinkVault MyPIP Oyax Oyax Planete Blog Plime So Force Social Article Tagza Tamilers Taqza astoreseo bibsonomy blogmark booklandonline bookmark-tag chainmaster citijournalist contentpop countingbiz crowdfound delmaster experts-views eyoorl ezinesocialmark firstbookmark firstdigg firstwebonline freelinkvault. mainlinks manualsocialmarks memfrag multiplysocial mysocialmarker mywebdesktop qiinga reebiesup royallisting seoblisting socialbuilder socialearth sociatectmark spotlinking stingclip surfurls technoratitags theclaimid thelifelogger themagicmenu tweakonews ugotreview voteboat way2marks wedelia xilinus yomashnews yucoffee zangkok

Now how will we discover nofollow links anyway? Although I'm usually a Google Chrome user, because of this I recommend using the Mozilla Firefox browser, because it lets you install what exactly are called add-ons. Should you hunt for 'firefox nofollow addon', it is possible to set up a number of programs that mark nofollow links with red highlighting - a really useful trick for just about any webmaster. If you enter into an internet site that is marked in red, you will know that links placed there's not helpful for SEO purposes. On the other hand, should there be no red highlighting, you're all set. -

Other best ways to get dofollow links is by submitting work you are writing to a particular PR (or News release) sites. While traffic on these isn't generally huge, the dofollow links are valuable: likewise situation just like the dofollow bookmarking sites we listed before... These PR sites don't value quality content just as much, so it is fine to submit less newsworthy or informative items, for example announcements about your business, which - let's be honest - might be a small bit less interesting with a average person. - Diigo